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2011年3月3日 星期四

Why not skränande you win the ballgame or shops? Just ask your brain!

In the film delivered one of the funniest lines in a League of their own in a Tom Hanks movie's funniest scenes. As a washed up baseball began to coach hired to train a female professional teams, Hanks was speechless when, after skranande at one of their players for a bad game, her cry. It was then that Hanks incredulously replied, "there's no crying in baseball!" If only it were true. Unfortunately, since it is skranande in baseball, there are also crying in baseball that are part of most sports, especially where children are involved. In fact, in a situation where yelling and other coercive methods to be confused with attempts to justify, the result is usually sadness, disappointment, and low self-esteem. But the effect is not limited to the children. If the recipient of such a misguided sense of "motivation" is a ten-year-old Little Leaguer or a 35-year-old business employees, is the psychological reaction is essentially the same.

So why is skranande, threatening, intimidating, and other generally unpleasant behaviour such bad strategy to motivate others? Well much of the answer can be found in the complex field of neurochemistry of the brain. Simply said: the human brain is not just to get yelled at.

The Prefrontal who?

Through advances in brain imaging technology has been able to trace the brain development researchers and function from birth through adulthood. Thus they have taught me much about the human brain capacity at different ages. It has been established that the brain is not reaching full development, at least until he is well into their 20 's. And they have shown that while the child is going through adolescence and puberty, their brains aren't just growing, but actually are experiencing some of the most significant neurological transformation ago prenatal early. Perhaps most importantly, they also discovered that the last part of the child's brain to develop is the prefrontal cortex. It is part of the brain which controls the so-called "executive functions" that includes elements such as dom, processing of complex facts, evaluate the task difficulty and connecting points between inputs and outputs. In other words, before the late teen years, children just don't developmental capacity for most of these features. The Auto insurance industry may have been the first to appreciate this scientific fact. Only attempt to verify a device driver in your family in the year 25 and see what happens with your courses. Insurance companies have statiscally validated the lack of mature judgment in adolescents and young adults. And while my teenage sons think insurance companies practising age discrimination, I've tried to explain that they are actually prefrontal cortex, practise discrimination.

Any teacher or trainer who understand this simple brain biology will have much more success in its dealings with young people. Let us use an example from the ball. In the absence of significant executive functions functions have little Jimmy-ten year 2nd MLB-no opportunity to assess the relative difficulty of capturing a ground ball as it moves quickly towards him along a bumpy dirt or grass surface. In terms of pure physics, the task of catching the ball in glove relatively challenging Jimmys, requires a perfect orchestration of body-soul connections and hand-eye coordination that only comes from multiple iterations, confidence building, and is likely to be enhanced by a genetic predisposition to build such motor vehicle knowledge. But measured in Jimmys perspective-this is Jimmy, kid with the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex activity is clearly one-or-die situation, with the result that the success or failure has no attenuating circumstances. at least none that little Jimmy is able to process.

In the absence of this profound executive functions, little Jimmy by default to the only known reference that all kid his age, a comparison against their peers. While Jimmy can't understand the task difficulty and other oil price parameters of catch or missing-the ground the ball, he can understand that little Johnny always seems to catch the ball while he himself seems to be ground to Miss quite often. With any other information for Jimmys brain go, Jimmy has no choice but to be dismayed and discouraged and (too often) to develop a low self-esteem self. Parents and coaches that fail to recognize the context, the prefrontal cortex may dismiss Jimmys reaction to lack of effort or interest. In an attempt to "justify" Jimmy, they slam or shout at him to try harder. But Jimmys young brain will react in a way that says, "are you crazy? Why should I try harder on something I never ask any good at? " And while he is probably wrong about their own prospects for improvement, he would draw any other conclusion because Jimmy is not yet able to connect the dots between task difficulty and its ability to affect the results. Who yelled at only reinforces its position.


Little Jimmy Jimmy becomes large and enters adulthood, is the good news that he is developing its full range of cognitive ability in terms of executive function. (The second good news is that while Jimmy never played baseball beyond 12 years, concludes, even little Johnny plays after freshman year in high school takes up golf, so there is no need for any bitterness resulting from Little League.) But the bad news is that now the great Jimmy has an "old school" baby boomer senior tutor at the workplace who have little patience for care-free his twenty-something children as great Jimmy. and this supervisor does not have any reservations about any coercive measures regularly trigger words "encouragement" with Jimmy and his young colleagues. And while Jimmy now has a respectable medium prefrontal cortex help him put this unpleasant treatment approach, the bad news is that he and the rest of us still have health y a pair in their brain amygdalae.

Amygdalae are parts of the brain with our emotional "fight or flight ' mechanism and help us store is threatening and unpleasant activity in our memories for future reference. So every time Mr. Nasty Old School barks an insult to Jimmy about a flaw in its latest report, this region of the brain a instant chemical reaction, send a wide variety of natural defence mechanisms in action. In medical terms, Jimmy's heart rate and respiration increase, his body as stress releases the hormones and his amygdalae file delete event for future defensive reactions. He just feels angry Jimmys, anxious stress and ed, and will host the agg if treatment for their future contact with his boss. These are not part of a strong motivating influence for Jimmy or anyone.

In the long evolutionary life span of the human brain's prefrontal cortex is the most recently developed region in the brain. a relative baby only 2 million years old. Scientists believe we still have a long way from our prefrontal cortex develops good relationship is working with our more primitive amygdalae. In the meantime, we must work with brains, we have, and we can begin by recognising differences in the brains of a 10-year-old and a 30-year-old. Then we realize that both young and old brains have at least one thing in common. They both hate being yelled at. With that in mind, perhaps we can hope for a somewhat different Tom Hanks quote, something like: "there is no skranande in baseball" or any place else, for that matter.

Doug Rogers is a retired Corporate Executive who now dedicates his time to talk and write about Nice Guys.

